Octane Tour Impressed With Drive Through Ste. Genevieve
The Daily Journal published a story about the Octane Tour’s visit to Southeast Missouri during the weekend of September 11 to September 13, 2020.
The tour attracts dozens of car enthusiasts in the St. Louis area for weekend getaway drives. This year’s drive featured Ste. Geneviève County and its wine country.
Several classic cars stopped in Ste. Genevieve on Friday, September 11, and parked at downtown parking lots.
Organizer Matt Burcham was impressed with Ste. Geneviève, telling the Daily Journal:
“The response that the Ste. Geneviève businesses had with us coming into town was crazy. Everybody had handmade signs welcoming the Octane Tour.
“Some people had even made up some dash plaques and handed them out to us and other people met us, and it was really cool. All these people were taking pictures of these signs and putting them on Facebook. It was nice to see the area wanted us here. We want to try and patronize these places as we can.”