
Travel Planners Radio Show

Sue & Kevin McCarthy host the weekly Travel Planners Radio Show and they descended on Ste. Genevieve and took in the historic downtown, great food, some guided tours and had a chance to talk to the folks who make Ste. Genevieve a destination. Check out their website at to find out more.

Kevin & Sue talk to David Newmann of the National Park Service Ste. Genevieve Historical Park
Kevin & Sue talk to Geoff Giglierano with the Centre for French Colonial Life
Kevin and Sue talk to Guy Darrough about the Missouri Dinosaur
Kevin & Sue talk to Kara Burt with Audubon Hotel and Restuarant
Kevin & Sue talk to Hank Johnson about the Bequette Ribault House/Chaumette Winery
Kevin & Sue talk to the City Administrator about Ste. Genevieve